Hostile: Alien - Character Creation Part 3


Dennis Parker (Yaphet Kotto, RIP)


We're making the crew of the Nostromo in Hostile, the RPG from Zozer Games in order to play through the plot of Alien and see who survives. Next up is Parker.

Dennis Parker, Chief Engineer

Strength: 12 (+2)
Dexterity: 8
Endurance: 11 (+1) 
Intelligence: 8
Education: 8
Social: 8

Parker is a big strong lad, used to hauling heavy machinery around the bowels of the Nostromo, plus he manages to knock an android's head off so we'll give him a high Strength. There's nothing to indicate he's very dextrous, but he must be ok with his hands if he's fixing mechanical parts. He gets 11 Endurance as although he gets grabbed and pinched hard by Ash when he goes crazy, he recovers quickly and gets back into the fight.

We'll give him 8 Intelligence as he's naturally curious, questioning how Kane was able to breathe with the facehugger attached to him. Not much is known about his education history. As he's chief engineer we'll give him an 8. He must have had some kind of practical further education. For Social we'll go with 8 as well. He's quite outgoing and bosses his subordinate Brett around.

In Hostile, Parker is a technician. He served on another commercial ship with Brett before the Nostromo, also in the engineering department.

Rank and Position
His rank is 3: Department chief. This gets him the skill Mechanical-1.

42. Like Dallas he's a veteran character, giving him a pool of 18 skill points. He passes his ageing roll and gets to keep all his characteristic points.

Parker is from San Diego, California so he gets three of the Earth homeworld skill levels plus one primary education skill level.

Gun Combat-1

Most of these skills are self explanatory but I've given him Brawling-1 because he holds his own while fighting Ash, Gun Combat-1 because he uses the flamethrower that he constructs, and Investigate-0 because he's naturally inquisitive. Jack-of-Trades I'm giving to both Parker and Brett because they're a good team. It's a special skill which in Hostile means the character is a quick learner and can give a +1 bonus to a colleague while assisting them, even if they don't have the required skill.

Psych Profile
Based on his actions in the film, I've written down the following traits:
  • Assertive
  • Joker
  • Combative
  • Vengeful
  • Inquisitive
He makes it clear he's unhappy about his bonus and isn't afraid to bring this up with the Captain in front of his colleagues. He cracks jokes a lot and ribs Brett while they work. He attacks Ash to save Ripley and is the strongest advocate for hunting down the alien and killing it after it kills Brett and Dallas.

Another one down and it's getting easier to pick skills and characteristics. Next time we'll do Kane.


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