Cepheus: Star Trek Voyager - Session Zero

Introduction I've been playing a bit of Cepheus Engine lately and enjoying it. While rewatching some old episodes of Star Trek Voyager on Netflix I had the crazy idea of playing through an episode of the show in Cepheus. I could start it from the first major plot point in the first act and begin playing from there, to see how different from the original episode it becomes. Voyager is a good candidate for this since they're lost, 70,000 light years from Earth and can't simply call for help from Starfleet when they're in trouble, and have to survive using their skills and wits. There should also be the chance for some conflict between the player characters as the crew is actually a mishmash of Federation and Maquis people (the terrorists/freedom fighters resisting the Cardassian occupation of Bajor, established in Deep Space 9). To make things even easier I'm going to use Alpha Quadrant , the free Star Trek rulebook for Cepheus. First I'll have to make the crew...