Mythras: A Tournament in the World of Dark Sun - Fight 1

Introduction I've been reading the Mythras rulebook because I wanted to try out another game with crunchy tactical combat after the alternating fun and tedium of running a fight in The Riddle of Steel . This time instead of just trying out one fight I thought why not do a whole tournament with sixteen people (because I'm mad, obviously). I'd been watching YouTube videos about D&D's old Dark Sun campaign setting and thought it would make a great backdrop for a brutal tournament of mortal combat, so I got some Dark Sun materials from Drivethru RPG and got reading. Athas is a post-apocalyptic fantasy world where abuse of magic has ruined the planet, turning it into a huge desert where civilisation is crowded into city states run by despots, powerful sorcerer kings who keep a tight grip on the exclusive use of magic. Metal is rare and expensive, with most armour and weapons made from cheaper materials. Slavery is rife, halflings are cannibals and the sun will kill you...