
Showing posts from September, 2022

Old School Essentials: The Dark Labyrinth of Meraie

Introduction I recently got Old School Essentials  in a Humble Bundle and thought I'd try it out solo. I'm using the D20 dungeon generator on Donjon  which has generated The Dark Labyrinth of Meraie. As for characters, I rolled up some classic fantasy types. You roll 3D6 for each ability, and I decided to go hardcore and stick with the first results I got, which made some characters who might not actually be suited for their class, but it'll be fun to see how far they get. I've been reading a lot about OSR games lately, and while Scarlet Heroes is very much one, it's also quite forgiving. So I'm going to have to think laterally and untrain my brain which usually thinks in terms of skills and feats in a very videogamey way. Alinn Male elf STR: 10 INT: 13 WIS: 8 DEX: 9 CON: 9 CHA: 11 HP: 6 Sword Chainmail armour Equipment: Lantern, oil flask x1, tinderbox 1 spell: Sleep Durgan Male dwarf STR: 13 INT: 12 WIS: 10 DEX: 14 CON: 5 CHA: 9 HP: 6 Battleaxe Crossbow Platem

Adventures in a Doomed World: Session 21

I'm playing a mashup of  Scarlet Heroes  and  Basic Fantasy RPG  with a few supplements to turn it into a solo fantasy hexcrawl in the world of Eilobar, a doomed land entering its end times. I'm using the  Level 0 Character Tumbler , Hexcrawl Aventures and also  47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game . The characters started as level 0 peasants and have since levelled up to become heroes. Introduction The party has arrived in Wastow hoping to speak to Aentheord, a cleric for hire who might be able to help them clear the undead out of Vathmang Temple. As Dalla mentioned, Aentheord will ask the party for help with his own problem first. We're going to run it as an urban adventure according to the Scarlet Heroes rules. The Adventure Stilda, Cyna, Helia and Bryne leave the Temple of Grum through a side door that leads into the well tended garden. They spot a sunburnt man in his forties turning over the flowerbeds with a hoe and discover that this is Aentheord. "Aye,

Adventures in a Doomed World: Session 20

I'm playing a mashup of  Scarlet Heroes  and  Basic Fantasy RPG  with a few supplements to turn it into a solo fantasy hexcrawl in the world of Eilobar, a doomed land entering its end times. I'm using the  Level 0 Character Tumbler , Hexcrawl Aventures and also  47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game . The characters started as level 0 peasants and have since levelled up to become heroes. Introduction Our heroes are part way finished clearing the land surrounding the village of Keyham of monster lairs, but two areas remain: An area to the northwest and the ruins of Vathmang Temple, former home to a death cult. The Adventure The party sets off to the northwest of Keyham on this day at the tail end of the wet season and finds a swamp. They begin searching for monster tracks but while walking alongside a deep part of the watery bog they are ambushed by five crocodiles! Each hero will get a wisdom check to see if they're taken by surprise (Average: DC11). Stilda: 11 -2 Wi

Adventures in a Doomed World: Session 19

I'm playing a mashup of  Scarlet Heroes  and  Basic Fantasy RPG  with a few supplements to turn it into a solo fantasy hexcrawl in the world of Eilobar, a doomed land entering its end times. I'm using the  Level 0 Character Tumbler , Hexcrawl Aventures and also  47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game . The characters started as level 0 peasants and have since levelled up to become heroes. Introduction The heroes have spent three days resting in Keyham after wiping out a second goblin tribe. They must now continue clearing the surroundings of monsters. The Adventure After a few days' rest Stilda, Cyna, Helia and Bryne set off to the east. This area is part of the wasteland where they met the ragged strangers living in a cave. Unfortunately it's quite a large area of useless land. "How did this place end up like this anyway?" Asks Cyna. "The local wisdom is it was a huge battleground during the Second Scourge." Bryne says. "It was blasted wi

Adventures in a Doomed World: Session 18

The map as it stands at the end of this session. C means cleared of monster lairs. I'm playing a mashup of  Scarlet Heroes  and  Basic Fantasy RPG  with a few supplements to turn it into a solo fantasy hexcrawl in the world of Eilobar, a doomed land entering its end times. I'm using the  Level 0 Character Tumbler , Hexcrawl Aventures and also  47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game . The characters started as level 0 peasants and have since levelled up to become heroes. Introduction The party has recovered six hundred gold pieces from the home of Erdulf, a dwarf who stole it from a group of ragged strangers who need to be moved on from a cave in the wasteland outside Keyham. The Adventure The heroes wake up and meet early. It's the 93rd day of the wet season and a light rain is falling. As they leave Keyham a rider enters the village and proclaims that the King died in his sleep one week ago and has been succeeded by his son Robert. The new king is five years old so a

Adventures in a Doomed World: Session 17

I'm playing a mashup of  Scarlet Heroes  and  Basic Fantasy RPG  with a few supplements to turn it into a solo fantasy hexcrawl in the world of Eilobar, a doomed land entering its end times. I'm using the  Level 0 Character Tumbler , Hexcrawl Aventures and also  47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game . The characters started as level 0 peasants and have since levelled up to become heroes. Introduction Last time the party finished their quest against the goblin tribe that had overrun the hamlet of Laford by killing their chieftain. They found an amulet with a strange rune on it which they had previously seen painted on the wall in Mothric's lair. Could the two be connected in some way? The Adventure The heroes gathered up all the goblin chieftain's loot into their packs but as they were doing so they realised the right thing to do would be to offer it to the villagers of Laford. It was probably mostly stolen from their homes anyway. They set off back towards the ha