Old School Essentials: The Dark Labyrinth of Meraie

Introduction I recently got Old School Essentials in a Humble Bundle and thought I'd try it out solo. I'm using the D20 dungeon generator on Donjon which has generated The Dark Labyrinth of Meraie. As for characters, I rolled up some classic fantasy types. You roll 3D6 for each ability, and I decided to go hardcore and stick with the first results I got, which made some characters who might not actually be suited for their class, but it'll be fun to see how far they get. I've been reading a lot about OSR games lately, and while Scarlet Heroes is very much one, it's also quite forgiving. So I'm going to have to think laterally and untrain my brain which usually thinks in terms of skills and feats in a very videogamey way. Alinn Male elf STR: 10 INT: 13 WIS: 8 DEX: 9 CON: 9 CHA: 11 HP: 6 Sword Chainmail armour Equipment: Lantern, oil flask x1, tinderbox 1 spell: Sleep Durgan Male dwarf STR: 13 INT: 12 WIS: 10 DEX: 14 CON: 5 CHA: 9 HP: 6 Battleaxe Crossbow Platem...