
Showing posts from February, 2025

Caught in the Rain: Solo Mystery RPG

Ravensridge Press recently sent me their new solo RPG, Caught in the Rain. There's a very successful Kickstarter on right now so you can watch my YouTube video about it and then decide if you want to back it. If you do, you can use this link and I'll get a small commission.

The Ruined Keep, A Dungeon Crawl Classics Funnel: Part 4

  The Adventure Continues The peasants continue to explore the aboveground ruins of the keep in their search for the Oracle. Turn 11 Olnod turns the old key in the lock on the trapdoor and heaves it open. They look down into a shaft with a metal ladder on one wall. They can just about make out a stone floor about ten feet down when they light Kali's lantern. They climb down one by one and find themselves facing a stairway going down about twenty feet south. That leads to a flat landing, then turns west and goes down another twenty feet. They move slowly and carefully, checking for traps or any unsafe stairs. Turn 12 They enter a thirty by thirty foot room with an arched doorway in each wall. Do they go north, south or west? (1D3) South. They go to the south door, checking the room carefully. Olnod seems to have taken on the role of leader, so he pulls on the door but it's stuck fast. Anebrius, a rather muscular scribe pushes him aside and shoves the door hard. Strength check (D...

How to Play Scarlet Heroes: Part 3

I shot another video in my How to Play Scarlet Heroes series. This time I ran a combat encounter four times: once for each character class.