
Showing posts from July, 2022

Adventures in a Doomed World: Session 4

The Tunnels of Mothric, updated map I'm playing  Basic Fantasy RPG  with a few supplements to turn it into a solo fantasy hexcrawl in the world of Eilobar, a doomed land entering its end times. I'm using the  Level 0 Character Tumbler , Hexcrawl Aventures and also  47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game . Starting with level 0 characters I'm attempting to keep them alive long enough to level up from -100 to 1 XP and become actual heroes. Introduction Now that we have our party of level 1 heroes, let's take a look at them and flesh out their characters a bit more by using the excellent NPC generator tables from Maze Rats (which is so cheap you should buy it just for the tables). Urim, male elf cleric and party leader Age: 84 (young for an elf in Eilobar) Background: Monastic initiate Appearance: Chiselled but with some missing teeth Personality: Jolly Dinas, male halfling fighter Age: 30 Background: Ragpicker Appearance: Brawny with braided hair Personality: A kno

Thousand Year Old Vampire: Session 5 (The End)

I'm playing  Thousand Year Old Vampire  by Tim Hutchings. Check out the  introduction  or  character creation . I'm not listing the results of every dice roll but I am including the text of the prompts I land on so you can see how I interpreted them. The prompts you experience are determined by deducting a D6 roll from a D10 roll and moving forward or back that many prompts. Raynar the Vampire will die when he runs out of skills and resources. Events Prompt 35 (1359) You encounter the descendant of an old foe and help  them in some way. Why did you do this? Check a  Skill. Create a mortal Character. "I have no memory of the next few years after I destroyed Mar on the riverbank. I continued living as I had, in the secret chamber within the house in Lubeck. I didn't see Gytha again, I suppose she cared for Mar and had cut ties with me. Some years later the Blaug family sold the house to an English lord by the name of Guy Warren. When he moved in I heard him searching the

Adventures in a Doomed World: Session 3

  I'm playing  Basic Fantasy RPG  with a few supplements to turn it into a solo fantasy hexcrawl in the world of Eilobar, a doomed land entering its end times. I'm using the  Level 0 Character Tumbler , Hexcrawl Aventures and also  47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game . Starting with level 0 characters I'm attempting to keep them alive long enough to level up from -100 to 1 XP and become actual heroes. Introduction After we discovered twenty-six stirges in one lair last time (using the standard rules for BFRPG) I decided to change all monsters' hit dice to D4s instead of D8s. I really enjoy combat in old school RPGs but I'd rather not spend the entire evening rolling dice against the same enemy over and over again. I also decided to ignore the stirge's special ability of latching onto a victim on a successful hit and sucking their blood until someone lands a hit on them, because screw that. The Adventure Stosla, Urim and Gerry attempted to recruit some n

Adventures in a Doomed World: Session 2

  Map of Eilobar I'm playing Basic Fantasy RPG with a few supplements to turn it into a solo fantasy hexcrawl in the world of Eilobar, a doomed land entering its end times. I'm using the Level 0 Character Tumbler , Hexcrawl Aventures and also 47 Critical Hit Tables to Spice Up Your Game . Starting with level 0 characters I'm attempting to keep them alive long enough to level up from -100 to 1 XP and become actual heroes. Introduction After last time's abysmal failure I decided the goblins would have raided Laford again in revenge, killing or enslaving all the villagers there, so it's now basically a dungeon that a new party might come across one day. Meanwhile the village of Keyham, about a week's walk North-East of Laford is suffering from attacks from the nearby Tunnels of Mothric, whose monsters have become more active of late, as the end times get underway. This time I made twelve villagers to give them more of a chance. They were: Anet, female human farmer

Thousand Year Old Vampire: Session 4

I'm playing  Thousand Year Old Vampire  by Tim Hutchings. Check out the  introduction  or  character creation . I'm not listing the results of every dice roll but I am including the text of the prompts I land on so you can see how I interpreted them. The prompts you experience are determined by deducting a D6 roll from a D10 roll and moving forward or back that many prompts. Raynar the Vampire will die when he runs out of skills and resources. Events Prompt 28 (Second reading) (1342) What peril do they pull down upon you? (The returned mortal). Create a new enemy Character, mortal or immortal. Check a Skill or lose a Resource. “I continued living in the secret chamber for some time as some relatives of the owners inherited it and sold it to another family, that of a local magistrate by the name of Pieter Blaug. I fell back into the old ways of living apart from mortals, leaving through a secret passage to feed each night, wander the streets a bit and return home. One night I wa

Adventures in a Doomed World: Session 1

  The village of Laford and its surrounding hexes. Introduction We'll be getting back to Thousand Year Old Vampire soon but I wanted to share something else I've been playing. I'd been reading about hexcrawls and funnel adventures and thought "Hey! Why not try combining them with a nice crunchy OSR style solo campaign?" It turned out this was harder than I thought. I bought the printed rulebook and field guide (monster manual) for Basic Fantasy RPG and downloaded the rest of the books as they're open source. It really does what it says on the tin - provides you with a simple ruleset for playing a D&D style game. There's no official campaign setting which is fine by me. A note about funnel adventures: If you don't know what this is, it's where the players roll up a group of level zero commoner characters and play through a short adventure where most of them will inevitably be killed along the way, leaving only the best of the best who level up

Thousand Year Old Vampire: Session 3

  I'm playing  Thousand Year Old Vampire  by Tim Hutchings. Check out the  introduction  or  character creation . I'm not listing the results of every dice roll but I am including the text of the prompts I land on so you can see how I interpreted them. The prompts you experience are determined by deducting a D6 roll from a D10 roll and moving forward or back that many prompts. Raynar the Vampire will die when he runs out of skills and resources. Content warning: This game necessarily features quite a lot of disturbing stuff, mainly violence. Events Prompt 28 (1239) A long dead mortal Character returns. What do they want from you? How have they survived death? You only recognize them if you still have a related Memory. Check a Skill. “I had built up a sizeable fortune in Lubeck over the years. Even though the Germans thought me blind due to my pure white eyes I was able to convince people I could read letters and numbers by touch alone; the fools. I now employed people for the d

Thousand Year Old Vampire: Session 2

  I'm playing  Thousand Year Old Vampire  by Tim Hutchings. Check out the  introduction  or  character creation . I'm not listing the results of every dice roll but I am including the text of the prompts I land on so you can see how I interpreted them. The prompts you experience are determined by deducting a D6 roll from a D10 roll and moving forward or back that many prompts. Raynar the Vampire will die when he runs out of skills and resources. Events Prompt 16 (AD 1180) Some mortals have banded together to hunt you, well-armed and wise to your tricks. How do you defeat or evade them? Create a mortal hunter related to one of your checked Skills. Check a Skill. "In Canterbury I worked as a night watchman at the Cathedral for a few years. I felt uneasy entering its hallowed grounds but God did not stop me, regardless. The murdered archbishop had become a martyr in the eyes of the people, and many began travelling to the city to pay their respects. One such pilgrim was a mis