Old School Essentials: The Forsaken Shrine of Ningudu the Sorceror (Session 2)

Introduction When we left our six surviving dwarves they had decided to retreat from the dungeon, picking up their locked iron chest on the way. They'll go back to the closest human settlement, rest up and hire a cleric to act as their healer on their next trip. Unfortunately I've since learnt that in OSE, clerics don't even get any spells until they're second level, at which point they only get one per day. Hirelings have to be the same level or lower than PCs, which makes it pointless hiring a cleric for healing. The only way the dwarves can heal is by resting at an inn which will heal 3 HP per day. The Adventure Bardi, Bomli, Bomrek, Borri, Frodu and Urist need to backtrack through the dungeon to the exit, rolling for wandering monsters every two turns and taking the crowbar back from where they had wedged open a portcullis with it. Soon after starting their journey a pair of giant shrews approach them in the corridor. The mole-like animals seem quite friendly and ...