Hexcrawl Horrors: My Encounter Tables Zine


I've released a zine! Last year I started making D100 encounter tables using the monsters from Basic Fantasy RPG. There are hundreds of monsters across the core rulebook and the two Field Guides (bestiaries), and while playing my Scarlet Heroes solo hexcrawl I thought it would be fun to try making a load of huge encounter tables organised by terrain type that would feature as many appropriate monsters as possible.

It took me months of working on and off but eventually I had a massive Google spreadsheet filled with strange creatures. It looked terrible so I reformatted it into a zine and turned it into something that might actually be useful to other people too. I even made a little system for generating three types of travelling merchant players could encounter and determining what they had in stock, so that's in there too.

Needless to say, with some minor conversion these encounters will work for any OSR-style game, not just BFRPG.

I've now released it on itch.io: 

And on Drivethru RPG: 

You're welcome to download it for free since Basic Fantasy RPG is a free game, but if you want to throw me the price of a coffee for it I'll most likely put it towards buying indie RPG stuff from other people. Or coffee, possibly.


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