Cepheus Deluxe: The Bounty Hunter - Session 6


The abandoned warehouse opposite Red Devil Freight. Image: Adobe Stock


Having a baby isn't great for making time for RPGs, but at least I'm only playing solo. I've got twenty minutes to play tonight so it'll be a short one, but we'll see how far we can get. 

Last time I played, Arman Doyle deduced his target Cameron Lang was hanging out in some kind of disused warehouse opposite a company called Red Devil Freight. He's heading there now.

To play Cepheus Deluxe solo we're using Mythic Game Master Emulator 2nd Edition. For the bounty hunting system we're using Bounty Hunter Handbook.

The Adventure

Scene 9 | Krinnai, Siento 1 3023.05.08 | Cr44,558 | Chaos Factor: 6
Doyle's car, still missing a door, speeds through the industrial district of Krinnai on the way to Lang's hideout. He's got his rubber mallet, revolver and his pistol hidden as always in his artificial forearm. It's a beautiful day in the fifth month of the year, in the warm part of the planet where Krinnai is situated.

Pulling up outside the Red Devil Freight building, Arman gets out of the car and looks across the street. There is indeed what looks like an abandoned warehouse there. Not wanting to announce his prescence by trying the front door, he climbs a chainlink fence and walks around to the back entrance.

Is the back door locked? (Likely)
99: Extreme yes.

The back door is not just locked but sealed with a specialist barrier designed by what must be an offworld security company. If Lang is hiding out here they must have some other way of getting in and out. Arman thinks back to his time in the Imperial Marines. He did a few ground raids during the secessionist war he helped win. He scans the building and thinks about the best way to come and go without being seen.

Arman makes a check (Difficulty 8)
7 +1 Int +1 Tactics = 9. Success!

He finds a loose board on one of the windows and discovers that it swings on a nail like a hinge, making a kind of human-sized catflap. He climbs through into the ground floor of the warehouse. It's mostly empty on this floor. The photo he found was taken higher up though as the Red Devil sign was visible from the window, so he begins climbing the stairs.

Arman thinks about the other, shorter man in the photo. Would he be here too? Possibly willing to defend his friend against a bounty hunter? He draws his revolver as he reaches the first floor.

And that's all I have time for!


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