Dungeon23 in Four Against Darkness: Week 4

Day 22, Room 01.22

Choosing the door at the east of the T-junction in room 01.21, the party opens it into a large cave with doors in the north and south walls. Shambling around here are six corpses with ragged clothing hanging from them: zombies.

Grobern charges the slow moving creatures and cuts down three of them in one go (exploding 6!). Rorri follows, smashing the head of another one. Malia sneaks around behind the remaining two and skewers their heads with her shortsword one after another (exploding 6!).

They had no treasure so the heroes move on.

Day 23, Room 01.23

The party opens the door to the north. More undead! There are nine skeletal rats in a short corridor here. Grobern charges in and smashes six of them in a frenzy (2x exploding 6!). Rorri destroys another, Malia kills one more and then Gerda gets the last one with her staff. They were vermin so they had no treasure.

Day 24, Room 01.24

There's a door to the north but they follow the tunnel west around a curve.

Day 25, Room 01.25

The tunnel continues west. The party can see a door on the right and a chest on the floor next to it. Rorri opens the chest and two spears shoot out from the wall at him and Gerda. One hits Rorri but his metal armour protects him, and Gerda jumps out of the way. Looking into the wide and narrow chest they see a staff with a glowing orange crystal at the end. Gerda announces it's a fireball staff, and she senses it has enough power for two fireball spells.

That was a trap. I just learned that in order for a rogue to spot and disarm traps they have to be in the front two places in the marching order. This also means they'll be the first line of defence when fighting in corridors though, so it's a big tradeoff. Luckily Rorri and Gerda both passed their defence rolls.

Day 26, Room 01.26

The party follows the tunnel west and to the south, where a door opens into a medium sized cave. When they enter a large gooey blob detaches itself from the ceiling and plops down onto the ground. A silvery metallic colour, this is an iron eater (weird monster, counts as boss) which doesn't harm people but instead dissolves their metal armour, shields, weapon and gold.

Luckily it doesn't prove much of a challenge. Grobern chops it in half and Rorri smashes both halves with his maul, splattering it all over the cave. Gerda gets a level up roll this time and succeeds. She's now level 2, gaining one life point bringing her maximum to 4, and one extra use of the Fireball spell.

Day 27, Room 01.27

Opening the only other door (in the south wall) they come to a tunnel with a dead end to the west, but it leads away into the gloom to the east. They hear a weird pattering sounds like a dozen tiny feet, and 11 small goblin swarmlings run out of the tunnel from the east. Seeing the heroes they scream and run past them into the previous cave, frightened for their lives.

Day 28, Room 01.28

The tunnel leads into a small cave with weapon racks arranged haphazardly around the space. This is an armory. Most of the heroes are happy with their weapons but Malia picks out a sling and bullets since she doesn't have a ranged weapon. The door to the east leads into tunnel 01.21, so they'll go through the northern door next.

Week 4 Log

Progress towards level up roll (minion encounters won): 4/10

Vermin killed: 0

Minions killed: 18 fungal folk, 2 trolls, 6 zombies

Bosses killed: Chaos Lord Abag, snake-man statue

Vermin killed: 17 skeletal rats

Weird monsters killed: 2

Most powerful enemy vanquished: Chaos Lord Abag

Total treasure found: 276 GP

Hero deaths: 1

Quests complete: 1

Quests in progress: 1

Find the ring of teleportation and bring it to the small dragon Chiverth in room 01.19.


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