Dungeon23 in Four Against Darkness: Week 3

Day 15, Room 01.15

The party walks west down the tunnel into the darkness before reaching a crossroads.

Day 16, Room 01.16

Taking the south tunnel at the crossroads they open a door into an L-shaped room. From here a door to the south opens into corridor 01.05, and another door leads east. In the centre of the room is another statue, this time of a half man half snake creature holding a pair of scimitars. Malia approaches this one and touches it like she did the other, but it starts moving and attacks the party!

It's a level 4 boss with 4 life points, immune to magic.

Grobern attacks it but it parries, then Rorri smashes his maul into it, cracking it a bit. Malia jams her shortsword into its arm joint and wrenches it, delivering another wound (exploding 6!). Gerda smacks it with her staff but it bounces off the hard stone.

It fights back against Gerda but she nimbly dodges out of the way.

Grobern is parried again, but then Rorri whirls his maul around and smashes the snake part of its body in two, killing it (2x exploding 6!). In the rubble they find 120 GP, which they share out. As it was a boss we get a level up roll. Gerda this time... She rolls a 1, so she fails to reach level 2.

Day 17, Room 01.17

Opening the east door of the room, they follow a winding tunnel that curls around and leads them back to room 01.09, the corridor with the cursed altar. Since there's a door they didn't try last time they were here, they open it.

Day 18, Room 01.18

The door opens into a large cave, with a door to the east and one to the south, but nothing else except puddles under dripping water that seeps through the ceiling.

Day 19, Room 01.19

Getting rather bored, the party opens the door in the east wall of the cave where they are confronted with a small dragon! It gets up from a large pile of treasure and speaks to them. "I am Chiverth! You will find the ring of teleportation somewhere in this dungeon and bring it to me, for I desire it greatly."

They don't want to argue with a dragon, so they agree to take on his quest. "After all," Rorri says, "If we can't find it we just won't come back here."

Day 20, Room 01.20

They walk down a tunnel leading east away from the dragon's lair, which ends in a door. Beyond it is a large cavern with doors in the north and south walls, and a group of eight skeletal rats gnawing on some bones. They swarm towards the party.

Grobern cuts through two of them with his greatsword and Rorri smashes another two with his maul but Malia and Gerda are unable to hit any.

One of the rats manages to bite Gerda's leg, dealing one wound.

Grobern smashes another two, followed by Rorri with one and Gerda with the final one.

Sadly they count as vermin so they have no treasure and don't bring the party any closer to levelling up.

Day 21, Room 01.21

They open the door in the north wall of the cave, which leads to a T-junction in a tunnel.

Week 3 Log

Progress towards level up roll (minion encounters won): 3/10

Vermin killed: 0

Minions killed: 18 fungal folk, 2 trolls

Bosses killed: Chaos Lord Abag, Snake-Man Statue

Weird monsters killed: 1

Most powerful enemy vanquished: Chaos Lord Abag

Total treasure found: 276 GP

Hero deaths: 1

Quests complete: 1

Quests in progress: 1

Find the ring of teleportation and bring it to the small dragon Chiverth in room 01.19.


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