Dungeon23 in Four Against Darkness: Week 2

The heroes arrive back at the nearest town and rest up for a few days. They visit the market to sell the gems they found. Grobern sells the green garnet and carnelian for 48 GP, and Rorri sells his two onyxs for 24 GP (they get 20% better prices on gems and jewellery due to Rorri's appraisal skills). Grobern buys a vial of holy water for 30 GP.

A couple of house rules for life in the town: Let's say it costs 1 GP per day for food and lodging at the inn (per character), and they can heal 1 wound with each day's rest. Rorri needs to heal 4 wounds so they'll spend 4 days resting. Malia is broke now so she'll have to start getting involved in combat more often to earn her keep!

They need to see who's available at the tavern to join them. I'm going to randomise things a bit and say we'll roll a D4 to check how many adventurers are hanging out that day, then a D8 to determine each one's class. Today there's a barbarian, a dwarf and a wizard. If they take the wizard they can give them the Book of Skalitos.

Class: Female wizard
Level: 1
Attack Roll: D6-1 (+1 when attacking with spells)
Defence Roll: D6
Life: 3
Gold: 6
Abilities: Adds her level on rolls to solve puzzles.
Spells: Blessing x1, Sleep x1, Fireball x1
Equipment: Staff, sling, spellbook, Book of Skalitos, quill and ink, bandage x1

Day 8, Room 01.08

They head back to the dungeon and when they reach the cave mouth with the two doors they pick the northeastern one this time. It opens into a large cavern with a tunnel in the north wall. When the daylight from outside falls across the floor it disturbs a group of six vampire frogs (rolled on the vermin table). They're startled by this and hop away up the tunnel in fright. There's a skeleton on the ground with a leather pouch containing 8 GP. The heroes reluctantly agree to split the coins equally between them.

Day 9, Room 01.09

They walk up the northern tunnel past a left turn that leads to the cursed altar, and reach a door. Opening it, they see another opposite them after a right turn. Rounding the corner they come face to face with a similar stone altar. This time Grobern is cursed! Luckily they have the Book of Skalitos so Gerda looks up the Blessing spell in it and removes the curse.

Day 10, Room 01.10

Grobern leads the party east past the altar to arrive at a T-junction with a door to the south and a tunnel heading north. He takes the tunnel and it opens into a round cavern with a treasure chest sitting on the ground. Opening it they find 6 GP of which Rorri snatches two and the others share out the rest.

Day 11, Room 01.11

The heroes open the door in the north wall of the cavern into a long tunnel. They can't see to the end but they notice a door on either side about halfway along.

Day 12, Room 01.12

They walk down the tunnel to the end where it turns west into another cavern. Immediately a huge spider the size of a cow lowers itself down from the ceiling on a strand of web, and looking around they see that the webbing covers most of the room, making it impossible for them to retreat from this battle. The spider is level 5, has 3 life, 2 attacks and has a chance of poisoning the heroes when it bites them.

Grobern swings his greatsword but the spider bats it away with its spindly legs. Rorri charges in with his maul, smashing two of the spider's legs in one hit (2 exploding 6s!) and crippling it. Malia misses it, then Gerda casts Lightning Bolt which fries it completely (exploding 6!). It collapses smoking to the ground.

The spider was a "weird monster", equivalent to a boss which means we get a level up roll. Going through the party marching order, Malia is next to try. She rolls a 2 - higher than her level of 1, so she levels up and gains a life point and her attack bonus will now be +2 when an enemy is outnumbered.

They search the room and find a small pile of coins. There's 10 GP which they share out, and a malachite worth 20 which Gerda takes for slaying the beast. There isn't another way out of the cavern so they go back the way they came.

Day 13, Room 01.13

The heroes go back to the tunnel, but while deciding which of the two doors to choose a pair of trolls enter the tunnel from room 01.10. As they're wandering monsters this is a surprise attack, but they're approaching from the front so they'll be attacking Grobern and Rorri who gets a +1 defence bonus against the hated creatures.

The trolls attack but the two men parry them easily. Grobern unleashes a wide swing from his sword which cuts both their fat bellies open, spilling green blood onto the floor. They both fall to the ground (exploding 6!).

"Quick!" Rorri shouts, "We need to chop them up before they regenerate their wounds!" He starts hitting one of them on the head with his maul but only Malia has a blade and still has an attack left in this combat round. She cuts the head off one of them and then saws through its arms and legs tediously with her shortsword.

"I don't really want to waste a spell on this." Gerda grumbles.

A roll of 5-6 on a D6 means the other one will get back up and keep fighting... 3.

Grobern readies his sword again and dismembers the other corpse, then they open the western door, finding themselves in a cave with an odd stone statue in the centre. It looks like a bear but it has a long snout, and stands on its hind legs. It has four long arms that are extended out in a furious pose (I used the Ironsworn expansion Delve to generate a creature that the statue could depict).

Malia approaches the statue and touches its paw. As she does so it breaks off, and the whole thing crumbles into a pile of white gravel on the ground. Noticing something glinting in the pile, Malia reaches down and finds 100 GP! They share it out between them.

Day 14, Room 01.14

They open the door in the west wall of the cave, which opens into a long tunnel with a door on either side in the middle.

Week 2 Log

Progress towards level up roll (minion encounters won): 3/10

Vermin killed: 0

Minions killed: 18 fungal folk, 2 trolls

Bosses killed: Chaos Lord Abag

Weird monsters killed: 1

Most powerful enemy vanquished: Chaos Lord Abag

Total treasure found: 156 GP

Hero deaths: 1

Quests complete: 1

Quests in progress: 0


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