Hostile: Alien - Character Creation Part 6


Samuel Brett (Harry Dean Stanton, RIP)


We're making the crew of the Nostromo in Hostile, the RPG from Zozer Games in order to play through the plot of Alien and see who survives. Today it's Brett. Right.

Samuel Brett, Engineering Technician

Strength: 8
Dexterity: 5 (-1)
Endurance: 9 (+1)
Intelligence: 4 (-1)
Education: 8
Social: 6

Unfortunately for Brett we have to give him quite low characteristics across the board based on his performance in the film. He's probably strong enough to lug heavy machinery around but he's quite short and has a small frame, so his Strength is average. He's not fast enough or intelligent enough to catch Jones in a net when he jumps out of a corner and escapes, so I've given him lower Dexterity and Intelligence. He's probably quite tough physically though as he works in the horrible industrial environment of the Nostromo, so he gets 9 Endurance.

His bio on Xenopedia says he dropped out of high school but managed to get into a technical college and gained a degree in engineering, which puts him at 8 Education. His most memorable trait from the film is probably following Parker around and nodding along with everything he's told to do, so he doesn't get a high Social score. I think he's quite self aware though and leans into that role for comic effect with his crewmates, so he doesn't get a score that would give him a negative DM.

Brett is a technician, which is like a non-officer class engineer in Hostile. He grew up in Houston, Texas, dropped out of school but eventually got an engineering degree and served on one other ship where he met Parker, before transferring to the Nostromo with him.

Rank and Position
Since he's the only crewman under Parker his rank has to be 0 - Technician. This gives him Electronics-1. 

53. He's a veteran character, giving him 18 skill points. This doesn't translate into 18 separate skill levels however.

Gun Combat-0
Ground Vehicle-0

Although his Intelligence isn't very good Brett will make up for it with the sheer amount of experience he has in his job. His technical skills are quite high, e.g. Electronics because we see him make (I think) a cattle prod - I assume he made it from spare parts because why would a ship towing an oil refinery need a cattle prod on board?

He gets Gun Combat because he's from Texas and Brawling because he knows how to use the cattle prod he makes. He gets Jack-of-Trades like Parker which gives them a skill synergy when working together on something.

Psych Profile
  • Laconic
  • Dry sense of humour
  • Dim-witted
  • Slow
  • Goes with the flow


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