Hostile: Alien - Character Creation Part 5


Joan Lambert (Veronica Cartwright)


We're making the crew of the Nostromo in Hostile, the RPG from Zozer Games in order to play through the plot of Alien and see who survives. Next up is Lambert. 

Joan Lambert, Navigator

Strength: 6
Dexterity: 7
Endurance: 5 (-1) 
Intelligence: 5 (-1)
Education: 8
Social: 9 (+1)

Lambert, the Nostromo's navigator has the worst reactions to the alien threat of all the characters, panicking and freaking out multiple times throughout the story. She has a slight frame so I've given her average Strength and lower Endurance to represent her lack of "toughness" of all kinds.

Since Hostile's stress mechanic is an Intelligence check, I've had to give her 5 in order to give her a -1 dice modifier as she's so prone to panicking in the film. She studied navigation in higher education which gives her an 8 for Education, and before all hell breaks loose she does joke around with the crew now and then, giving her a 9 in Social.

Lambert is a commercial spacer, with the position of navigator on the Nostromo her first job.

Rank and Position
It would seem navigator is an important job so probably counts as officer class, but she's quite junior and is outranked by Ripley. We'll give her the rank of Fourth Officer. This gives her the skill Vacc Suit-1.

29, which makes her "young", giving her 8 skill points.

Born on Earth in Ontario, Canada, giving her the Earth background skills.

Vacc Suit-1
Ground Vehicle-0
Gun Combat-0

She gets a high Navigation skill as she's the specialist onboard, plus Comms-1 and Vacc Suit-1 as she uses both those skills in the film. She gets Investigate-0 from her education background as she investigates the derelict with Kane and Dallas, along with minimal Gun Combat as she wears a laser pistol in a holster during that scene.

Psych Profile
  • Sociable
  • Prone to Stress
  • Cowardly


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